Monday, February 27, 2012

She's coming back so you better get this party started

Yeah I'm back. But I've been doing a lot of thinking and I just might break a few hearts when I tell you all that this time around it's going to be different. No, I'm not necessarily going to be better or more consistent about posting. You get what you get with this ol' don't alter your expectations in that department. Hold your breath: this blog is about to get more girly. Apologizes to any male readers I might have (aka my Dad). But there's a lot of stuff of there that interests or inspires me that I'd like to occasionally like to yak on about and not be limited to my adventures in baguette land. I'll still blog about those from time to time but I'll also include things like recipes, crafts, things that inspire me or crack me up, what I'm learning about God, being healthy, basically anything and everything I feel like talking about on any given day. So there you have it! Hope you stick around!


Tal said...

Let me put it on the record that my husband Matthieu is also part of my male readership.

Unknown said...

woohoo! looking forward to reading whatever your little heart decides to write about...

Kelsey said...

yay! you're back! i support you going as girly as you want. :)