Tuesday, May 6, 2014

My Lil' One Year Old

Ahh, how time flies. The little curled up wrinkly thing from box 0 that we nicknamed "la crevette" at the maternity ward is no longer a shrimp anymore. (Although she pinches like one, does that count?) What's funny is how fast you forget those previous stages. It's as if she was always crawling around, mischief making and the like. I forget that there was once a time when she actually stayed when you put her down. Well all this to say that the Livster is now officially one year old. Practically a college student. Sniff, sniff. 

Still young enough to have a bit of help on the ol' blowing out the candles job so at least she wont be packing her bags for campus just yet. 

Although she figured out pretty fast how to get into her presents... That just might be genetic though... 

And of course this new age brings all kinds of new challenges to be overcome...

Although some not so thrilling for mom and dad... 

She's lucky she's cute! Here's to many more years of troublemaking adventures! 


Unknown said...

Just too cute. And I like the other actors too! So privileged to be in her show!

Kelsey said...

Looking so grown up!

Fillah said...

nice your post
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