Friday, April 12, 2013

Such a techie I am...

What the who-haw... I think someone has actually conquered Instagram. Let's just all take a second to enjoy the moment, shall we? I know I am. My cat, on the other hand, is currently meowing at the ceiling (she chases house flies for the adrenaline rush) and could care less. Just a quick note to tell you all that I've gotten this whole Instagram app up and running and for those of you who expressed interest in following me, my username is talgal17. I think the plan will be to upload about once a week or so. For those of you who hate me non-Instagrammers, I plan on doing a post about once a month or so giving you some of the highlights, so no worries... 
In other news, assuming this baby doesn't decide to pop out in the next 48 hours (not likely considering I've determined that I will be the first prego lady on record to give birth to a senior citizen) I'll be back in the next day or two with a "real" post for y'all... 

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