Friday, March 5, 2010

Ok, well I'm not sure this is a new post so much as an extension of the last one... Newho. So, it occurred to me that I hadn't put up any pics of the kitchen and entryway so I thought I'd do that. While going a little snap-crazy I also had the brilliant idea to post some pics of our furry little apartment-mates as well...which well, turned out to be a little more dramatic than intended :) (isn't it always with me?)

So here's the storyline:
There's Matt looking like the proud hamster-dad that he is, showing off Feisty (aka Hamster #1)
all is going well...

...until we decide to try a group photo with Latte (aka Hamster #2)...
here they are completely oblivious to the other's presence

when we decide to let them chat on top of the cage...
that's when Feisty decided to go all pyscho killer on us and here she is running after Latte, just moments before taking a big ol' bite at her butt. So of course that spurs Matt and I into action in an attempt to save Hamster #2 by scooping up the perpetrator but that only makes matters worse because the little butt-biter takes a big chomp at Matt's hand as well, this time drawing a little blood. Matt, not caring for being bitten, flings her toward the wall as a reaction to the pain. Now most hamsters might find that a bit intimidating if not deadly, but our little death-defying hamster is not afraid of anything. Feisty somehow managed to grab onto the cage and was hanging on for dear life on the side. Of course me trying to rescue her and put her back in her cage earned me a bite as well. Meanwhile Latte had fallen off the top of cage and was now off exploring my dresser drawers. The crisis was finally averted when I bribed Feisty back into her food bowl and very skillfully threw the thing into the cage before she could go on another one of her killing sprees.

And thus the end result: separate cages...


Valerie Geary said...

hahahah!!! yes! Hamster fight!!! :D PS- love your place, it's very cute!

Valerie Geary said...
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Proud Parents said...

Excited to see your new post! Think I check every day just in case. :)

Love you both and glad that you love each other ALOT because you're place is cozy


Loren Eaton said...

Matt looks like he isn't sure whether or not that furry little guy is going to make a lunge for his throat. Great fun!